Welcome Toddler and Preschool Teachers

I create toddler and preschool curriculum that is fun and engaging. Check out the fun activities and join the flock!

Toddler Interactive Binder

Help your toddler learn their shapes, colors, emotions, weather, ABC's, and prewriting skills. Click the button below to learn more!


  • I make educational teaching resources for toddlers and preschoolers.
  •  My resources are for teachers and homeschool parents to be able to purchase or download to use for educational purposes.
  • My products incorporate literacy, fine and gross motor, language, cognitive, and social skills.
  • My goal is to make teaching your littles fun and engaging so they want to learn everyday.

Toddler Interactive Binder

The toddler interactive binder skills include color, shapes, emotions, weather, prewriting practice and the alphabet. These activities will have your toddler having fun while learning at the same time. This toddler approved resource is FREE!


From the flock ...


Teacher Essentials

Teachers have many options when it comes to resources for their classrooms these resources end up being the teacher essentials. These teacher essentials become the

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Observation Methods

      There are many observation methods a teacher can implement in their class. When it comes to teaching and observations with students, there are many roads

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This is the title image for the post named Quiet Time Activities. The three images show a pattern activity with pom poms, a letter playdough activity, and tracing numbers.

Quiet Time Activities

Quiet Time activities can be a daunting task to come up with when you have non-sleepers in your class. The daily tasks for teachers can

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This image is the title for the post preschool daily schedule. There is an image with a child writing on the board a schedule for the day.

Preschool Daily Schedule

     Preschool daily schedule is so important for your students in the classroom. What activities should be included in the daily schedule everything that you as

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This image stats the title of the post Calm Down Strategies by Teaching the tot Flock. There is an image of a teepee dramatic play tent, a soft chair, and some pillows.

Calm Down Strategies

This image stats the title of the post Calm Down Strategies by Teaching the tot Flock. There is an image of a teepee dramatic play tent, a soft chair, and some pillows.

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Polar Animal Activities 

This image is the title of the blog post Polar Animal Activities. The animal images are of a reindeer, a moose, a walrus, a beluga whale, and penguin. This blog post is made by teaching the tot flock.

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