When I think of spring; I think of farm activities for toddlers and preschool. Children love learning about animals, especially farm animals. The number one farm animal song is Old MacDonald. This song is so important when it comes to learning about this type of category of animal. Kids learn animal names, and the sounds that they make, and hear that words can be a form of music. When we as teachers add music to our learning style kids stay engaged and it has been proven they retain more of the information that we teach.
Musical Farm Activities
When we use music in our classroom it activates both sides of the brain which can aid both memory and learning key new concepts. Some other benefits of music in the classroom is stress reduction, stimulation of memories, and can help improve mood. We might not always like the songs requested over and over again but knowing how important music is should be reason enough to fulfill a song request in your classroom. If music is not your focus try playing some music and see how it can benefit your class without singing yourself.
I live in an area where most ice cream shops also have a petting zoo. The cows on the farm produce the milk that in turn is used to make homemade ice cream. These petting zoos are the first form of a zoo most toddlers see and get to experience firsthand. For others, we have the help of youtube videos and learn through them. Both experiences are valid teaching opportunities for each child. The child that went to the zoo can associate the smell of the zoo with their experience. The child learning through a video might never experience the smell that life on the farm provides. Some life experiences teach in a more impactful manner than what we can do in our own classroom. Does that mean we don’t teach absolutely NOT!
We as teachers need to be aware of the limitations we have and how we can minimalize and teach so kids can learn. Some real-life experiences I like to add to my room are straw and corn kernels to the sensory table. The straw can help teach about some of the smells that might be at a zoo. When we add sensory materials to our themes we can help teach textures, smells, and create a learning environment that adds more meaning. We are also bridging the gap between those who have had a life experience and those that might not have had the same opportunity. This farm-related experience is just one of many farm activities for toddlers.

Farm activities for 2 year olds
Going to the farm
Farm activities for 2-year-olds are a popular theme in the spring. I love “the going to the farm” activity where I make my playground look like a farm. By placing pictures or toy animals in various locations of the “farm” we explore the familiar playground in a manner that is new and fun. I even buy straw or hay and place the straw on the playground to help the children learn what they might actually see beside the animals. The straw has a smell that helps the children be able to have a “real life” experience. This activity might seem like too much work but it is well worth it to see the faces light up with excitement. You can also perform the same activity with preschoolers. You can use the straw and have the children move it to “feed the animals”.
Design a farm scene
The design of a farm scene activity helps foster creativity and places the ownership of the farm on them the creator. This activity will be a favorite and can be performed as an individual and pair activity. The design of a scene activity when paired with a peer can help foster language and social skills that might not otherwise be a focus. Learning to work together is a key life skill that takes time to foster and practice. To make these farm activities for preschoolers more challenging you can have the students count the animals on their farm. Talk about why they placed the animals where they did and talk about the differences between the animals on their farm scene. The design a farm scene and the feed the farm animal activities might be the best farm activities for toddlers that you can add to your teaching.

Puzzles of Mommy and Baby and File Folder Activities
Using two-piece puzzles for 2-year-olds that are self-correcting help teach matching skills in a different manner than a file folder. The farm mom and baby puzzles help teach that baby animals and moms look different but can grow up to look similar. Kids can learn that animals have families like we have families. Puzzles can help foster fine motor, problem-solving skills, and even teamwork when completing with a peer.
The farm animal file folder activity is a matching one. Kids will learn to match like animals to complete the file folder activity. File folder activities help children learn hand-eye coordination skills. Kids see file folder activities as fun; the learning is just an added benefit to the fun. Learning what activities kids view as fun is half the battle when it comes to teaching skills in a fun manner that looks easy to someone looking in.
Farm Activities for Preschool
Feed the farm animals
My number one farm activity for toddlers is the Feed the Farm animal activity. This activity is a great fine motor skill builder as well as learning how to take turns. I love using green pipe cleaners as the grass and tweezers for the older toddlers to feed the animal. Younger toddlers can use their fingers and still work on fine motor skills. I also will count the grass (pipe cleaners) as we feed the animals. The feed the farm animal activities is one of my farm activities for toddlers.

I Spy Farm
The I Spy Farm activities for preschoolers will help teach them how to classify animals, count the animals, and problem-solve to find the various animals on the playing board. This activity can also be a small group activity for the older toddlers and talk about what each child sees and count with them the various animals.

Farm Puppets and Farm Book
The farm book and farm puppets will help teach about your farm theme during your community meeting. The puppets can be used to sing songs, identify the various animals, or teach about one farm animal for daily activities. The book is a great means to introduce the farm theme to your class. The book can also be laminated and placed in the literacy center for individual viewing.
Sensory Activities
Some great sensory ideas for the farm activities for toddlers include wet and dry materials. I love grabbing the animals and washing the animals. You can add straw to a sensory table with various animals to play and explore. Another sensory activity is making or using play dough to make animal homes or build animals with the media. You can add corn kernels and black beans with animals to play like a farm.
Free Farm Activity:
Just click the image below to receive the Farm file folder and Design a farm scene activity for your class today!

Want more Farm Related Activities
Click the image below for the Toddler Farm Animal Activities Packet.

Other Resources:
Preschool Play and Learn had activity suggestions for both preschool and toddlers. https://www.preschoolplayandlearn.com/farm-theme/
The prek printable fun has many great sensory activities including art projects. The needle in haystack activity is a great fine motor skill to add to your farm theme. https://www.prekprintablefun.com/farm-lesson-planning-page.html
Teaching 2 and 3-year-olds has many activity suggestions for the theme. Plus there are some free printables to help aid your teaching and save you some prep time.