There are many ideas related to teaching and implementing five senses activities for young children. Teaching the five senses to toddlers and preschoolers helps them learn about their own bodies and how each sense works to enhance their lives. Teachers can create a learning environment that is interactive in nature, in regard, to the five senses activities.
my five senses activities
Some of my five senses activities that I love to use for this theme are puppets, senses sorting, hearing sounds, painting with spices, touching textures, and other suggested activities to help teach the five senses. As a result, My five senses activities make this theme one of the easiest to teach both for it being interactive in nature and for teaching these concrete life skills.
During circle time it can be a useful tool to use the five senses puppets in regards to introducing the new theme. Using one puppet each day will allow a new sense to be the focus each day. Then you can use the puppets as a review and as a focus during circle times can be a beneficial method for teaching.
File Folder
The file folder activity will help teach matching skills and establish one’s ability to identify the five senses on. Therefore; this can be another means to label each sense.
Design a Face
The design of a face activity helps showcase the five senses on a personal level. This activity can help build creativity as well as label the playing pieces that make up the five senses.
The use of a story to teach the main concepts of a theme such as my five senses book is an excellent method to introduce each sense to your students. Each page focuses on one of the five senses and what the sense does to help us learn and explore our environment in a meaningful way each day of our lives.

The matching activity will help showcase each sense with the use of real life photos. For example, a person smelling a flower shows the sense of smell or hearing the water in a brook shows the sense of hearing. These examples help teach the five senses in a way that all young children can relate to and build on their prior knowledge to learn more about their world.
The sorting activity helps children apply the knowledge that they have learned through the matching activity with the application of sorting various icons to their proper sense. This activity can be used as a small group or a pair activity to see the individual learning that has been taught.
The use of posters can be used as a visual aid as well as a teaching companion to the days sense being taught. Posters help to teach a skill or topic better than words for those learners who learn better with visual aids. For our little ones be careful not to clutter the wall space with too many posters. I would keep one or two posters up at a time.
The graphing activities can be a fun way to pick a favorite sense or use the senses wheel to spin and graph where the arrow lands. Either method can be helpful in learning the location of each sense to the body part that helps the sense with our life.
Suggested activities
The suggested activities are included to be able to enhance your five senses theme and make it more interactive. These activities can help make the learning skills more concrete and fun. These activities or similar ones can only help us learn the five senses of life.
Teaching the five senses

When we are teaching the five senses we need to be aware of those in our class that have limitations and be sensitive to those needs. By being sensitive we can also show awareness of how others day to day activities might differ. This is a theme that builds a sense of self for all individuals in the class.
Preschool five senses books
There are many preschool five senses books that can help teach this theme through the use of stories. Stories have a powerful impact on our preschoolers when it comes to learning various themes. Books allow teachers to teach children in a manner that they might not have intended. Children look at the pictures and use their photographic memory to help learn new information. The use of books in your preschool class should be a vital tool in your teacher’s bag.

This list of books is not exhaustive for the five senses. Here are some of my go-to books that I use when teaching the five senses.
5 senses activities
Other 5 senses activities that the Teaching the TOT Flock likes from other resources are below. Check out these websites to find more activities for your five senses theme.
PRESCHOOL FIVE SENSES ACTIVITIES https://teaching2and3yearolds.com/preschool-five-senses-activities/
Five Senses Activities for Toddlers!
Pinterest Five Senses for Preschool
Pinterest Five Senses for Toddlers
CocoMelon Five senses song