“Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions;” teacher tips for parents are just the nuggets of wisdom to help parents be great at their new or recurring role. Parenting is a lot of work that seems endless with younger children. Do yourself a favor and take the nuggets of wisdom your child’s teacher is telling you to make your job at home easier.
Teachers use their daily wisdom to help parents better understand their child’s needs and development. A teacher can spend over 40 hours a week teaching and spending time caring for your loved one. A teacher takes each child under their wing to guide, support, protect, and teach.
We might not be experts on what goes on at home, however, we do know some things like which rewards work better and what their interests are while at school. Some of this information can be helpful and useful to bridge the gap between what the child is learning at school and what can be useful for the home environment.
Welcome to the tour guide for parenting tips from a teacher; it just might be what you need. Most teachers understand the importance of having a positive relationship with parents to successfully teach their children. These teacher tips for parents are the bonuses of the many relationships with parents and children experiences that I have been blessed to be a part of for many years.
Positive Parenting Tips
Boost your child’s self-esteem
Developing a child’s self-esteem can seem hard and overwhelming. A child’s self-esteem is a foundational component of life. If a child is not confident in who they are it will dictate who they are their entire life. Some ways you can help boost your child’s self-esteem are allowing your child to be independent, teaching choices, and giving praise when they are successful. By giving your child the empowerment and mindset of an “I can do mentality,” will give them the positive self-esteem needed for the challenges that will lay ahead of them.
Setting Limits and Consistency
Setting Limits teaches children how to make positive choices and what happens when they make a mistake. Being consistent in giving children choices or in administering the rules helps teach children expectations that will not waver and how to be a part of a group.
Be Flexible with Parenting
Some children might not understand a parenting method and might need you the parent to change course to get the results that you are looking for. There is a difference between being flexible in delivery with parenting and choosing not to follow limits already set. For example, If a child does not understand the words being said speak with the language that they understand. Get down to their level and keep it simple. Also being flexible can be changing your mindset of what the child should be able to do based on age. This idea can make you and the child unhappy by placing unrealistic expectations on them. A child’s development will come and the ages of those skills are not concrete. Development happens on a spectrum and also based on the interest of the child, when we keep this in mind then we can have realistic individual expectations.
We all need praise and encouragement to feel good about ourselves. When you catch a child being good or doing the right thing give them praise and acknowledge their work. When we use praise with children they will want to be praised again. The more we paise young children the more they learn boundaries, expectations, and rules for life.
Be a good role model
When children have good role models to imitate it makes learning rules easier. Children will imitate who they are close to and if that is you then you need to model the behavoirs that you expect them to display. When children have good role models they are more successful in life to have someone to look up to and admire.
Catch Your Child Being Good
We all need praise and encouragement to feel good about ourselves. When you catch a child being good or doing the right thing give them praise and acknowledge their work. When we use praise with children they will want to be praised again. The more we paise young children the more they learn boundaries, expectations, and rules for life.
Show Your Love is Unconditional
When we show love to a child it should not be based on good behavoirs or likes and dislikes. We should be showing all children unconditional love while teaching them the expectations. We should be providing a loving, positive space for growth and development to flourish.
Top Parenting Tips
There are many options for parents; when it comes to, parenting tips. Let these nuggets of wisdom from an experienced early childhood educator guide you in the right path for you as a parent. These nuggets have been learned through any years with lots of trial and error. These are the best of the best with the whole child in mind. The bottom line and best advice is to love your child unconditionally. The rest will fall into place in due time. When a child feels love they also feel secure to take the leaps of faith knowing that all will be okay if their is a mistake, A bonus tip you as a parent have fun, and enjoy the moment because…this season of life will only be a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of life.
Related Resources:
Psych Central
Very Well Family
Peaceful Parent Happy Kids